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Our annual Fall Festival is Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024! Join us for this fun, free neighborhood event!

September 24, 2024 at 12:34 am
Canterbury Woods Pool parking lot
5101 Southampton Dr.
1pm to 4pm

Pumpkin decorating 
Costume parade/contest
Candy & prizes
Door prizes

Volunteers needed for the CWCA Board

July 13, 2024 at 5:47 pm

Dear Residents,

The Canterbury Woods subdivision, built in the mid to late 1960s, consists of over 500 homes. The Canterbury Woods Civic Association (CWCA) was established to serve the interests of our residents and operates with an “all-volunteer” board. This includes officers, members at large, committee representatives, and block captains.

The CWCA Board Officers include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Members at large contribute by producing our Gazette Newsletter, Directory, digital communications, and managing visual sandwich board signs. Additionally, we have an architectural committee and an aging-in-place representative. Over 40 volunteers currently fill more than 50 block captain positions.

In total, we have over 60 volunteers dedicated to making our neighborhood the best in Northern Virginia. However, with a minimum of 1,000 adults living within our subdivision, we need more community involvement. Many of our volunteers have been serving for years, and we face challenges in finding replacements due to factors such as full-time jobs or commitments to other organizations.

Our current CWCA Board officers have collectively served for over 30 years and are seeking new volunteers to take their places. The President, Vice President, and Secretary have stepped down, leaving these positions open. We have recently welcomed two new members at large for the Directory and Gazette, but the roles of President, Vice President, and Secretary remain unfilled.

The current President and Vice President are available to assist with the transition alongside the current Treasurer. However, the Secretary will be leaving the neighborhood within a few months, making it crucial to fill this position immediately to ensure a smooth turnover of duties.

The duties of the CWCA Board may not be overly demanding, but they serve an essential function within our neighborhood. Without the Canterbury Woods Civic Association (CWCA), we stand to lose significant benefits that greatly enhance our community’s quality of life.

1. Community Improvement and Development:

Current Role: Promoting and undertaking community development and improvement projects to foster community spirit and unity.

Impact of Loss: Without CWCA, we would lack organized efforts to enhance our neighborhood, diminishing community spirit and unity. 

Examples:  Organizing a petition to the Fairfax County of Supervisors to convert our neighborhood to county trash pickup.  Addition of speed bumps within the neighborhood to improve safety for our children and to reduce speeding.

2. Representation and Advocacy:

Current Role: Representing neighborhood interests to local government, businesses, and other organizations; advocating for beneficial policies and initiatives.

Impact of Loss: We would lose our collective voice in local governance and advocacy, potentially missing out on opportunities and support that benefit our community.

Examples:  Representing Canterbury Woods residents’ interests during the Braddock Road multi-modal project and impact of intersection changes.  Representation of water-shed project meetings, and Lake Accotink Park, and bicycle path improvement projects.

3. Safety and Security:

Current Role: Collaborating with local law enforcement to enhance safety and security; organizing neighborhood watch programs and crime prevention activities.

Impact of Loss: The absence of these initiatives could lead to increased crime and reduced neighborhood safety.

Examples:  The CWCA Board organizes National Night Out events in concert with the local Springfield Police District to provide direct communication between our residents and law enforcement.  The CWCA Board also monitors local crime reports and incidents within our neighborhood to provide information on any potential impacts.

4. Beautification and Maintenance:

Current Role: Organizing beautification projects, clean-up days, landscaping, and maintaining public spaces.

Impact of Loss: Our communal areas and facilities may become neglected, leading to a decline in the neighborhood’s aesthetic appeal and overall environment.

Examples:  The CWCA Board researches and hires landscape companies to maintain our common areas which include Southampton/Braddock Road and Wakefield Chapel Road.  In addition, the CWCA Board helped move the Mary Karen Read memorial to an area of Canterbury Woods Park that doesn’t flood and includes maintenance of that area in our landscaping contract.

5. Social and Cultural Activities:

Current Role: Organizing social, cultural, and recreational activities to promote community engagement.

Impact of Loss: The loss of these events would reduce opportunities for residents to interact and engage, weakening community bonds.

Examples:  The CWCA Board has and continues to organize events for the neighborhood.  This includes the Fall Festival, National Night Out, Holiday Light contest, Holiday Party, Parade of Homes, Annual CWCA Board meetings, and special interest group meetings as required (example VA Department of Transportation meeting to discuss the Braddock Road Multi-Modal Project and proposed intersection changes).

6. Communication and Information:

Current Role: Providing effective communication among residents through newsletters, meetings, and digital channels.

Impact of Loss: Residents would be less informed about critical issues, events, and developments, leading to a breakdown in community awareness and involvement.

Examples:  The CWCA Board communicates through and maintains: 1.  The CWCA website (cwcivic.org) 2. The CWCA Gazette (authoring, printing, delivery). 3.  The CWCA Groups (https://cwca.groups.io/g/main).  4.  The CWCA Facebook page. 5. The CWCA Sandwich Board signs (visual messages at our entrance points to notify residents of upcoming events). 6.  The CWCA Directory 7.  The CWCA Welcome Packet. 8.  Block Captain interaction.

7. Resource and Service Provision:

Current Role: Offering resources and services, such as educational programs, health initiatives, and assistance for vulnerable populations; coordinating volunteer efforts.

Impact of Loss: Residents would lose access to valuable resources and services, negatively affecting community support and well-being.

Examples:  The CWCA Board works with Braddock County District Supervisor’s Office to keep our community up to date with resources and services that are available.  In addition, we have an aging in place representative to specifically address the needs of our aging population. 

8. Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship:

Current Role: Promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship; supporting green initiatives like recycling and energy conservation.

Impact of Loss: Our neighborhood’s environmental initiatives and sustainability efforts would suffer, potentially leading to a less eco-friendly community.

Examples:  The CWCA Board works with organizations to address environmental impact policies and issues that affect our community including working with Friends of Lake Accotink and the Watershed initiatives.

9. Conflict Resolution and Mediation:

Current Role: Providing mechanisms for resolving conflicts and disputes among residents in a fair manner; mediating issues with external entities.

Impact of Loss: Without CWCA, there would be fewer resources for conflict resolution, potentially leading to unresolved disputes and increased tensions within the community.

Examples:  The CWCA Board works has worked with our residents to address disputes such as parking issues, multiple residents within the same home, properties that are kept unkempt, and county laws with respect to building fences, property additions, and modifications to the property. 

Losing this association would significantly impact our community’s quality of life. We urge residents to consider volunteering to ensure these vital functions continue. Your involvement is essential to preserving the vibrant, safe, and united community we cherish.

We urgently need volunteers to step forward and serve as officers on the CWCA Board. Your involvement is vital to continue the work that makes our neighborhood a wonderful place to live. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us as soon as possible.

Thank you for your consideration and support.


Dale F. Johnson

President, Canterbury Woods Civic Association

CWCA Annual Meeting == please put on your calendar

May 20, 2024 at 9:44 pm

All residents of Canterbury Woods are invited to the Annual Meeting of the CW Civic Association on Thursday, June 20th — 7:00 pm in the Kings Park Library building.

In addition to voting in new Board members and presenting the CWCA budget, Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw will be available to answer your questions about things that affect our neighborhood.
We really need your participation so plan to attend.
Questions? Email me: sdimaina@yahoo.com

If you can’t attend in person, we will try and get the Zoom link working!

Meeting ID: 876 7196 9682
Passcode: 567545

Neighborhood Yard Sale — May 4th

May 1, 2024 at 10:13 pm

Residents in Canterbury Woods and Stone Haven have the opportunity to participate in a yard sale on Saturday, May 4th that is publicized by the Civic Association. The suggested start time is 8:00 a.m. and each home can end their sale when they want to. There is no rain date.

Map of participating houses below:
