May 11, 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes
Date: May 11, 2016
Location: CW Elementary School Cafeteria, 7:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Dale Johnson, Monica Johnson, Susan DiMaina, Lisa Borden [elected Treasurer], John Chastain; Beth Byron, Block Captain Coordinator.
- Agenda:
- Call to Order
- Introduce Supervisor John Cook
- Notes from Speech
- Introduce Supervisor John Cook
- Call to Order
- The fall park bond includes complete asphalt paving of the Long Branch Stream Valley Trail, with some concrete and stone. Fairfax County Park Authority has details.
- The county passed a budget last month including a 5% increase in county and school spending. The County Board approved a 4-cent tax increase despite Cook’s opposition.
- A program to add public safety officers (police, emergency) has been put off for the past two years.
- The county needs about 3% more revenue to keep pace, but 2016 revenue was down 2%.
- The county had about 200 teacher vacancies at the start of the school year. Teachers in Fairfax County earn less than in other local jurisdictions.
- A meals tax will be on the fall ballot, to be used mostly for teachers’ pay.
- The Braddock Road project (Burke Lake Road to Beltway): The Braddock Beacon for May 9, 2016, from Supervisor Cook’s office, reports on many of the project proposals.
- No decisions have been made yet; there have been no recommendations from the county commission or from the citizens’ committee. Cook noted that half the traffic through the project area comes from Burke Lake Road and Guinea Road; half comes from farther west on Braddock.
- Proposals include: A “jug handle” at Wakefield Chapel.
- Right-in and right-out at some intersections between Burke Lake Road and the Beltway.
- The “Transit Center” (parking garage with bus stop) near Kings Park Shopping Center and possible traffic problems. Cook noted that 90% of parking lot commuters come from nearby neighborhoods.
- Pedestrian crossings and bridges.
- A four-foot trail on either side of Braddock, to improve bus stop access.
- In response to questions about environmental impacts, e.g., reduced habitat, increased runoff, sound and sight effect on adjacent properties, Cook replied that a design must be adopted before the impact study. However, the country requires any road project to handle any new runoff. Any Braddock Road plan should be within the existing right-of-way, though some trees within the right-of-way would come down. He also noted that an asphalt trail would reduce soil and gravel runoff into Little Run.
- In response to a suggestion to make Braddock a state road like Little River Turnpike, Cook noted that there are complicated VDOT restrictions on improvements to state roads.
- In response to comments about adding neighborhood speed bumps, Cook said that civic associations need to be involved. He also pointed out that 75% of speeders are in their own neighborhoods.
- Introduce Sgt. Bryant, West Springfield District Police Station
- Officer J.T. Frey, a 27-year veteran of West Springfield, is retiring. Officer Mike Stewart is taking over for him; tell him your traffic issues. If you report a speeder’s tag, the PD will flag the vehicle and may have a “knock and talk” with the driver at home.
- Vehicle tampering is still a big problem; lock your car, don’t leave valuables, and leave lights on at night.
- Question about speed bumps due to stop sign running at Chanticleer/Queen Elizabeth: Talk to Cook’s office about bumps; email or non-emergency call (703-691-2131) West Springfield commander re stop sign runners.
- Flashing speed signs are generally used for 2-week traffic-calming campaigns; ask Cook’s office about obtaining one for CW.
- Question re group home bus that blocks lane and view on Queen Elizabeth while loading and unloading: Email Officer Janeczko at West Springfield.
- No need to stop for a loading-unloading school bus on a “divided” road; need to check with county what amounts to a “divided” road, in some cases.
- Minutes from Last Meeting:
- Date: March 4, 2016
- Location: DiMaina
- Board Members Present: Dale Johnson, Monica Johnson, Susan DiMaina, John Chastain, Dan Keary, and Beth Byron (by phone).
- Minutes were read.
- CWCA Old Business
- Beth Byron reported that Potomac Home Services will send trucks through the neighborhood on June 11 for curbside junk pickup (in lieu of Dumpster Day) and on June 12 if necessary to pick up leftovers. A flyer will be distributed to let residents know what junk is not acceptable.
- CWCA New Business
- Susan DiMaina, vice president, reported that CWCA has received $6,674 in dues so far this year, from 221 CW homes (43%). CWCA also generally receives about $5,000 from advertisers in the neighborhood directory.
- Lisa Warden presented the CWCA Treasurer’s report and the board voted on and approved the budget.
- This year’s National Night Out will be August 2, 2016.The CW neighborhood yard sale is Saturday, May 21, 2016.
- There is presently no formal Neighborhood Watch in CW, though CWCA suggests the eyes-open dog walking method of spotting problems.
- Dale Johnson noted that the Braddock Road project is presently CW’s biggest concern, and most neighbors don’t want the proposed Transit Center. CW needs consistent attendance at meetings on the project.
- A member suggested appointing a CW resident to attend the monthly Braddock District Council meeting at Supervisor Cook’s office. All information on the meetings is reported on the Fairfax County website.
- Karina Wright showed an enhanced welcome pack she is developing for new residents, and suggested a “Parade of Homes” tour to see neighbors’ renovations and landscaping, which could be turned into a CWCA fundraiser. She said the original CW house plans could be scanned and posted online.
- Elections
- Lisa Warden was nominated and elected as the CWCA Treasurer with a unanimous vote.
- Steve Lloyd and Andrew Gay were appointed without objection as the Architectural Review Committee, to help guide residents to legal requirements for home improvements.
- Diane Strickland was appointed as the CWCA Communications and Public Affairs Officer to inform residents about news and information on social media, e.g., Yahoo, Facebook, a website [], RainedOut emergency email and phone text.
- Meeting Adjourned
- The meeting adjourned at 9pm.