Read that newsletter!!
The CWCA Gazette should be arriving today in your mailbox. Please take time in the next few days to look through it. Among other topics, you can find info on Community Yard Sale Day, Bulk Trash Collection day, and the CWCA Annual Meeting. You can also find out about CW Swim and Tennis Club, the C-Serpents swim team and the 10th Annual Modified Sprint Triathlon.
There’s an envelope enclosed in the newsletter that gives you an efficient way to pay your $30 dues to CWCA. These nominal dues really do make a difference in the quality of our community, so please write a check (made out to CWCA) or enclose cash and get that envelope to 5001 Chanticleer Avenue. If you’d prefer to use PayPal ($31.17), you can do that right here!
Warm spring greetings to you all from the CWCA.