Parade of Homes Raffle Winners!!!
Parade of Homes Raffle Winners (See below)!
Monica and I really enjoyed the Parade of Homes that happened on the 15th of September. We got to meet some residents that we haven’t met before and got to tour some fantastic homes! Thank you to the homeowners who graciously opened up their homes and for the enthusiasm that you displayed while everyone was in your homes!
Also I would like to thank Kirstin Armstrong, Deirdre Vho, and Ana Hite for undertaking the task of organizing the event! You did an outstanding job!
Thank you to the sponsors of the event, Bauernshub Realty. They made sure that the two mailers that were sent to your house were donated by the Realty team, and they put together some AWESOME gift bags when you picked up your tickets! Thank you Chris and Elizabeth!
In addition, they donated two $100 Gift Cards, (1 for the attendee raffle, and 1 for the homeowner raffle). I am pleased to announce the winners
Attendee: Ruth Perlstein
Homeowner: Beth Byron