Fairfax County Petition for Trash Collection Services
Update on 4/23/2020 – You should have received the mailer in your mailbox. The signature page did not match the instruction sheet, so the new signature page has been added for download below. Sorry about the inconvenience! Please download the updated form and send that one in for your vote.
Dear Residents, You will be receiving a mailer from the CWCA Board with instructions on how to sign the Petition for requesting our neighborhood to receive Fairfax County Trash Collection and Leaf Pickup Services. Below is the instruction letter that you will receive, and the attachments are attached as a .pdf file. If you do not receive the mailer, you can download the attached .pdf files, print them out and drop your signature page in my mailbox at 8706 Prudence Drive. We will also discuss the petition during the online meeting on the 21st of April between 7 and 8:30 pm.
Dear Canterbury Woods Resident,
The CWCA Board has distributed information about the petition to move our neighborhood to Fairfax County Trash Collection Services through multiple venues. The dissemination methods have included those listed below:
- cwcivic.org
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/CanterburyWoodsCivicAssociation
- Canterbury Woods Yahoo Groups page
- Canterbury Woods Gazette
- And through online meetings
All residents are required to be contacted with respect to the petition for Fairfax County trash collection services. In order for your vote to be counted, you need to fill out the signature page enclosed in this mailer, place it in the pre-paid envelope that has been included, and mail in your vote. These are your options:
- Sign Petition #1; If you only want the county to provide Trash Collection/Recycling/Yard Waste services then sign ONLY Petition #1
- Sign Petition #1 AND Petition #2; If you want the county to provide Trash Collection/Recycling/Yard Waste and Vacuum truck leaf collection services then you need to sign in two places. Sign Petition #1 AND Petition #2
- Do Not Support: If you do not wish to receive Fairfax County Trash Collection Services or Leaf Collection service then sign the I do not support section
- I’m Not the homeowner: If you are not the homeowner, then please provide the homeowners contact information and return the envelope.
Please read the enclosed attachments. Trash Collection services will be assessed on your tax bill at $385/year. Vacuum leaf collection would also be assessed on your tax bill based upon your assessed value; currently $65-$85 per year for our neighborhood. Any questions please contact the CWCA Board. Thank you!! Dale Johnson